Battered and Fried Ted’s Closing to Give Employees Deserved Break
Ted's Fish Fry has been a staple in the Capital Region for sixty years. They just recently opened their seventh location and throughout the pandemic, their employees have picked up the slack. So now the owner of Ted's Fish Fry is giving the employees a well-deserved break.
Ted's Fish Fry will close their doors at all seven locations next week to allow their employees and managers a much-needed and deserved mental and physical break. They will receive three paid days off. Owner and President of Ted's Fish Fry, S.K. Deeb says that he is so grateful to all of his employees who helped keep their locations open during the pandemic according to News 10 ABC. He also said that many employees had to go to other locations to help out when they were short-staffed. This allowed them to keep all of Ted's locations open.
S.K. Deeb said of the break:
Our team members have been working extremely hard since the pandemic hit, and we are excited to give them a much-deserved break.
There will be a "Sunday Funday" this week for the staff as well with food, drinks, and football along with the three paid days off.
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Deeb. He received an award for Capital Region Living Magazine for Bestie Food and Drink. You can tell that he is a hard worker who values his employees. It's business owners like these in the Capital Region that respect and treats their employees well. This is why Ted's Fish Fry has been in business for sixty years and counting and their employees love to work there.