Babies Can Be Homeless Too
I blogged awhile back about how the economy has touched so many people, and has even made some homeless, perhaps by the loss of a job.
I did mention families losing their homes, and this could include babies. Besides not having a home to go to or enough to eat, they need diapers. There is a way to help. It's called a diaper drive. For those of us with children, we all know how costly this can be, but is so very needed. As I was looking through the news in the Times Union, I saw where we can help.
The number of homeless children has reached an all time high. The Homeless and Travelers Aid Society of the Capital District has teamed up with Key Bank for the diaper drive, which goes on until February 18th. Diaper related goods like baby wipes, powder and cream, will also be accepted. These are for babies right here in the Capital Region.