Another Comedian Dumps on Upstate NY – Others Join in On Laugh
I'm sorry that comedian Patton Oswalt had a terrible trip on his way into Upstate, New York over the weekend - but he didn't have to crap all over Troy, did he? It's one thing when we do it, but c'mon man...
Perhaps a little road weary, Oswalt was just moments away from hitting the stage at the Troy Savings Bank Musical Hall when he took a shot at The Collar City.
According to the comedian, "canceled flights, sleeping overnight in the airport, fog, runway gridlock, sleep deprivation, and bad coffee" inspired him to take a shot at Troy, and that's when "Twitter" happened.
Others in his industry, who may or may not have traveled to Upstate NY, jumped on board as well slamming the Home of Uncle Sam following Oswalt's original Tweet from Saturday night March 18th at 7:11 pm, just moments before he was set to go on stage.
When I was a kid, I was taught a simple golden rule in regards to politeness: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
But as I've gotten older, chubbier, and more opinionated about life, I realized that I simply cannot and will not hold myself - or anyone else for that matter - to Mama Cody's "shut up unless you have anything nice to stay" standards.
But it definitely hits a little different when someone from outside of the Capital Region knocks us, versus when we do it to ourselves.
Here's what some other fellow actors, comedians, and podcasters had to say in response.
There were plenty of people defending our turf, reminding Patton that there are other views of the city that show a much less depressing version of the area he had been staying in, and despite the dig, the hundreds in attendance at the historic venue over 150 years.
It's not the first time we've been the butt of jokes for comedians - let's take a look at 5 other times we've been crapped while trying to remember, these are just jokes!
12 Cool and Unique Facts About the Capital Region