
How Would You Discipline This Kid?
How Would You Discipline This Kid?
How Would You Discipline This Kid?
Today on the show we read a story about a woman who got arrested for making her 10 year old son walk to school after he got kicked off the bus for bad behavior for the 5th time. We got talking about how it seems today the kids seem to be a little "soft", that we never would have gotten away with as much as they do.
Shenendehowa Soccer Team & Coach in Trouble
Shenendehowa Soccer Team & Coach in Trouble
Shenendehowa Soccer Team & Coach in Trouble
Shenendehowa district officials are investigating an incident involving the girls’ soccer team. The team smashed their second place plaque by throwing it to the ground, an act the school’s varsity coach saw, but failed to stop.
5 Ways to Get Your Kids to Do Their Homework
5 Ways to Get Your Kids to Do Their Homework
5 Ways to Get Your Kids to Do Their Homework
Fall means school, and school means homework, and homework –- for many a family -– means stress and arguments. But getting homework done doesn’t have to be a daily battle. Here are a few easy ways for parents to make the routine a little easier for kids. ...
Learning And Education In America
Learning And Education In America
Learning And Education In America
Yesterday, when my sixteen year old son came home from school, I asked him the ever annoying, and almost rhetorical question. "How was school today?"  After the obligatory, "fine."  I thought maybe a follow up question would be a nice touch.
Reading, Writing and Rhyming Program-How It Started
Reading, Writing and Rhyming Program-How It Started
Reading, Writing and Rhyming Program-How It Started
The very first time I went to visit a school to write a song parody with kids, I walked out with my tail between my legs!  It was a high school senior history class.  OK, it was an 8th period class in May, so maybe I'm being too picky.  But let's put it this way--I ran out of that building so fast, they almost signed me up for the track team!