Yankee Great To Speak At Local College
It's that time of year again, time for the announcements of graduation speakers at local colleges. This is the first of many and it's a Yankee legend. If you are a Yankee fan, you know that he was one of the greatest managers of our time. It was just announced that Joe Torre will be speaking at a local college's graduation.
According to News 10 ABC, Skidmore College announced that Yankee manager and legend, Joe Torre, will be one of the commencement speakers at their 2019 graduation ceremony.
Joe Torre managed the New York Yankees from 1996 through 2007. He led the team to four World Series Championships in 1996. 1998, 1999 and 2000. He also played Major League Baseball for the Milwaukee/Atlanta Braves, St. Louis Cardinals and the New York Mets. During that time, he was a nine-time All-Star and the 1971 National League MVP.
It's a pretty cool honor and awesome that such a Yankee legend will be in Saratoga in May. Skidmore College's commencement ceremony is May 18th at SPAC.
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