Tick-Borne Powassen Virus Infects 3 More In Capital Region
After 2 reported cases in Saratoga County last month, 3 more cases of the potentially fatal tick-borne virus have been reported.Ticks are scary enough based on the their ability to spread Lyme disease. But with more cases of the Powassen virus emerging in the Capital Region, it is even more important to be mindful of ticks.
According to a CBS 6 story, Albany Medical Center has reported it has treated 3 cases of the virus this summer from Rennselear, Washington and Saratoga Counties. Earlier this summer, Saratoga County health officials confirmed 2 cases of the virus. Senator Chuck Schumer was actually at Albany Medical Center yesterday to announce the new cases of the the virus in an effort to get the Federal Government to back more research on Powassen.
So what do you need to know about Powassen? First, you should know the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) says most healthy people will never develop any symptoms if bit by a tick carrying the virus. The CDC says hose who do develop symptoms can experience ‘… fever, headache, vomiting, weakness, confusion, seizures, and memory loss….(and)…long-term neurological problems may occur.’
The best cure here is prevention! If you are going to be outdoors, use a good tick repellent, wear long sleeves and pants if you are going to high risks areas (Bushy spots, hiking trails, etc) and then as a final stop gap – do frequent tick checks on every one living in your house, and on your pets too!