
‘Operation Halloween’ Helps to Protect Your Kids From Sex Offenders This Halloween
‘Operation Halloween’ Helps to Protect Your Kids From Sex Offenders This Halloween
‘Operation Halloween’ Helps to Protect Your Kids From Sex Offenders This Halloween
When my husband and I got a notice in the mail letting us know that a registered sex offender moved into a place a couple blocks from where we live, red flags popped up and we vowed to keep an even closer eye on our little guy, especially on Halloween night when the streets will be a little busier with lots of little people roaming them.
‘Mommy’s Hallelujah’ Goes Viral [WATCH]
‘Mommy’s Hallelujah’ Goes Viral [WATCH]
‘Mommy’s Hallelujah’ Goes Viral [WATCH]
I've been blessed. My son is the perfect baby. Yeah, I know most parents will say the same thing about their baby, but really. My son is so happy and content and has slept (mostly) through the night for months and rarely cries and is outrageously loving. And that scares me a little.
Amazing Poem For Moms On Their Kids’ First Day Of School
Amazing Poem For Moms On Their Kids’ First Day Of School
Amazing Poem For Moms On Their Kids’ First Day Of School
My wife has been having a very hard time with our son Caden's first of school. I have been mocking her for about a solid week now saying things like, "Guess what they send them home everyday now" and "It's a school bus not a black hole!" The truth of the matter is , I do know what she is going through and it can be a pretty emotional day for a Mom , especially if it is her only
Should You Bribe Your Kids?
Should You Bribe Your Kids?
Should You Bribe Your Kids?
I forget who said it, but someone said that electronics is the currency that you can use to bribe your kids.  I feel that way at my house.  If they don't behave, no computer, no iPad, and most of the time, it works fairly well. I also bribe them to do housework sometimes...
8 Baby Items You Need and 5 You Definitely Don’t
8 Baby Items You Need and 5 You Definitely Don’t
8 Baby Items You Need and 5 You Definitely Don’t
When you're going to have a baby, the world seems so confusing!  Especially if you go shopping for the little creature! Frankly I don't think it's fair how ads, and other moms, and the internet and pinterest make you feel like you have to have every single product for your baby or else you'll certainly fail at motherhood...
UCSD Professor Requires Nudity For Final Exam
UCSD Professor Requires Nudity For Final Exam
UCSD Professor Requires Nudity For Final Exam
Ricardo Dominguez, a professor who teaches a visual arts class at the University of California at San Diego has required the students to be naked for the final part of the course for 11 years now.  But now, this year, one helicopter moms is mad...
Too Dangerous?
Too Dangerous?
Too Dangerous?
My 4-year-old asked if we could make a leaf pile for him to jump in, and just as I was about to say, "Sure!" thinking it would be a lot of fun for him, and maybe me too,  my wife said, "No you can't. He could get ticks."
Youth Football Coach Cancels The Rest Of The Season Due to “Bad Attitudes” And He Is Attacked By A Father
Youth Football Coach Cancels The Rest Of The Season Due to “Bad Attitudes” And He Is Attacked By A Father
Youth Football Coach Cancels The Rest Of The Season Due to “Bad Attitudes” And He Is Attacked By A Father
Listen , I can't make this stuff up! Honestly, I wish I did. Apparently in Toms River, New jersey a youth football coach had just announced to the team after a game that he was going to cancel the rest of the season due to bad attitudes and poor sportsmanship, he even told the kids to turn in their equipment.

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