
My Open Letter to Mother Nature With Impending Storm
My Open Letter to Mother Nature With Impending Storm
My Open Letter to Mother Nature With Impending Storm
Dear Mother Nature, Let me start by saying, man, you're beautiful. I love everything about you. Okay, I mean, almost everything about you. Don't get me wrong, you're great. Perfect, even. There's just times where I'm shaking
Online Trolls: Is There a Solution?
Online Trolls: Is There a Solution?
Online Trolls: Is There a Solution?
You see it all the time. Someone posts a status, a meme, an article and inevitably, within the comments section someone has taken the time to write: "who cares?!" Or even worse, gone out of their way to name-call, belittle, argue, etc. with people they might not even know. And I'm left wondering, "What's the point?"

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