new york city

Governor Cuomo to Change NYS Thruway by 2020
Governor Cuomo to Change NYS Thruway by 2020
Governor Cuomo to Change NYS Thruway by 2020
The Governor made his State of the State address on Wednesday and one of the biggest changes that he discussed was happening to the New York State Thruway and he said we should be changed over as early as 2020.
Family Feud Auditions in New York
Family Feud Auditions in New York
Family Feud Auditions in New York
If you watch game shows, I'm sure you have one in your head that you wish you could be on. If Family Feud was your show, you're in luck because auditions aren't that far away!
A Chance, Fated Meeting Completely Changed My Life [VIDEO]
A Chance, Fated Meeting Completely Changed My Life [VIDEO]
A Chance, Fated Meeting Completely Changed My Life [VIDEO]
I was looking for a good news story to end the morning show with yesterday and couldn't help but stop at this one. A little girl wanted a "Paw Paw" so she adopted one, reminds me of college when I pretty much did the same thing.
Solar Eclipse Coming, Where You Need to Be
Solar Eclipse Coming, Where You Need to Be
Solar Eclipse Coming, Where You Need to Be
A solar eclipse is coming to the Capital Region and since this doesn't happen very often, you want to be at the right place at the right time to see it and thanks to NASA, they've mapped it out so you can!
Stay at the Ninja Turtles Pad for Just $10/Night in NYC on Airbnb
Stay at the Ninja Turtles Pad for Just $10/Night in NYC on Airbnb
Stay at the Ninja Turtles Pad for Just $10/Night in NYC on Airbnb
It's like a serious nostalgia overload to take a peak into the lair belonging to The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Okay, yes, sure I know, "Marissa, the Ninja Turtles are not real. They're cartoons." I get it. But, this home has had the inside redone to fit what our 80's kid brains remember so fondly! And to top it off, it's only $10/night to rent it! If you've ever rented a room in New
Man Hops into NY Subway to Save Fallen Over the Weekend [VIDEO]
Man Hops into NY Subway to Save Fallen Over the Weekend [VIDEO]
Man Hops into NY Subway to Save Fallen Over the Weekend [VIDEO]
It's one of the biggest travel destinations. Everyone wants to experience New York City. It's a mere 3 hours from us and is like another world with how busy everything is there. I've been to the city plenty of times over the years and I've honestly always been concerned that someone would fall onto the subway tracks. After a long night of partying, after a big game, during rush hour completely acc

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