Whether you love New York or despise it. I am sure you will find these few statements a bit aggravating as many people outside the Northeast US believe them.

Now yes, a heaping amount of people may hate New York. However from many articles I have put on this website in the past, It never seemed to be about the state itself. More about the government and taxes. Many people dislike our governor. Many people dislike the amount of crime in some areas. But not many hate the actual geography. But many have a narrow vision of our state. So be ready to be upset. Ways to piss off a New Yorker.

  • "New York City is the only place worth visiting"
  • "The Big Apple is a nickname for the whole state"
  • "Not knowing how to pronounce town names"
  • "Hearing other states tout better pizza"
  • Here is one I came up with for Giants and Jets fans "Your team doesn't even play in New York"

Those are just a few Only In Your State came up with. I am sure we can come up with a couple more. Leave some other ways in the comments section on Facebook.


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