
WARNING: Holiday Facebook Scam
WARNING: Holiday Facebook Scam
WARNING: Holiday Facebook Scam
It's the season of giving, but beware, there is a gift exchange scam that is circulating through Facebook. Here's what you need to know so you don't fall for it.
Distracted Walking Should Be Illegal in Albany
Distracted Walking Should Be Illegal in Albany
Distracted Walking Should Be Illegal in Albany
Distracted walking is illegal in some cities and towns in California and Hawaii.  I can't tell you how many times I've approached intersections with a green light and have had to slam on the breaks as someone was texting (or chasing Pokemon) cluelessly walked into the middle of a busy street. At the risk of sounding like the most 'get off my lawn guy' in the history of cranky old men, maybe it's t
Clever Prank Gets Cop To Ticket “Snow Car” (PICTURE)
Clever Prank Gets Cop To Ticket “Snow Car” (PICTURE)
Clever Prank Gets Cop To Ticket “Snow Car” (PICTURE)
The guy who did this is an absolute genius.  Not sure the Albany Po-Po would love it, but man, tell me this wouldn't be fun to try to pull off!  A man in Montreal made a lifelike car out of snow and sat back and watched as a police officer attempted to write a ticket for the illegally parked snow mobile.
Did You Know This Was Illegal?
Did You Know This Was Illegal?
Did You Know This Was Illegal?
I've gotten one ticket in my entire life and it's for something that I didn't even know was illegal and I'm sure you didn't either. You may be breaking the law right now!
When Do You Stop for a School Bus? [PHOTO]
When Do You Stop for a School Bus? [PHOTO]
When Do You Stop for a School Bus? [PHOTO]
I've always wondered what to do with a school bus in certain situations and now that school is back in session, this is the best time to go over the laws once again.
Secret Sister Gift Exchange Is a Facebook Scam
Secret Sister Gift Exchange Is a Facebook Scam
Secret Sister Gift Exchange Is a Facebook Scam
It sounds like an amazing opportunity to spread love and joy this holiday season and I'll start by saying that there are some people that are being truly legit about it. In some cases, it involves women boosting other womens confidence and pushing them to reach their goals and otherwise. But most of the time, it's the exact opposite and it's just getting you to spend money.