
5 Celebrities that Are WAY Smarter Than You! A Couple Of Them May Surprise You
5 Celebrities that Are WAY Smarter Than You! A Couple Of Them May Surprise You
5 Celebrities that Are WAY Smarter Than You! A Couple Of Them May Surprise You
It's true, you never know where life is going to take you. One day you are getting a degree at an Ivy league school, starting your life as a Doctor or Scientist and the next you are a TV star. I'm sure most people know that Matt Damon was actually a student at Harvard when he wrote "Good Will Hunting" or that Jodie Foster went to Yale but there may be a few celebrity "brainiacs"
20th Century Update
20th Century Update
20th Century Update
When 20th Century Fox was founded in 1935 (the combination of Fox Films Corporation and Twentieth Century Pictures) it's possible that the founders of the company may have joked that their name could become obsolete in sixty five years, but it seems unlikely they were thinking that far ahead. Now -- seventy-eight years later -- the company's name has been changed to reflect the times and updated t
Roger Ebert Passes
Roger Ebert Passes
Roger Ebert Passes
The Chicago Sun-Times reports that movie critic Roger Ebert has died at age 70. Ebert reviewed movies for the Chicago Sun-Times for 46 years and on television for 31 years. He lost his lower jaw in a fight with cancer but recovered and returned to reviewing movies. He just days ago announced that he would be taking a leave to fight the cancer that had returned.
New Movies
New Movies
New Movies
This week we have four new releases, covering four different genres and targeting four different audiences: fairy-tale action epic, a coming-of-age (21) comedy, supernatural horror, and a submarine thriller.

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