There are lots of houses that claim to be haunted. However, there is only one house that has been legally declared haunted by the New York Supreme Court.
Rachel in Latham-
My husband and I are looking at homes in the North Colonie area, and one of the homes is quite old and has a bit of a history with some strange paranormal activity. The previous owners felt the need to disclose that info and we appreciated it. They say it's nothing more than a few pots and pans rattling, but their daughter claims to see the silhouette of an old distinguished ma
Are you the kind of person that looks for the scariest and spookiest around this time of year? Well, you're in luck, because there's a Guinness World Record holder for the scariest open house here in New York and it's not too far away...if you dare.
October means spooky, creepy, and haunted houses. I love this time of year like everyone else but maybe when you're building a haunted house, some places should be off-limits?
I love this season! I love the spooky, the creepy, and the paranormal so when I saw this apparent "ghost" picture, I had to see it for myself. Do you think that's a ghost?
Everyone knows a place they either believe is haunted, or know is haunted. Is it a local cemetary, old hospital, hotel, museum, or maybe it's the very old farm house you're living in right now. What did you feel, see, hear and experience? Chrissy and I are looking for our next possessed place to spend the night for our annual Haunted Broadcast. Help us find the place and if you're brave enough
On my tour through all of the 11 schools participating in our High School Hunger Games, my latest stop was 2 time chapions, Norte Dame Bishop Gibbons! The 'GNA crew and I got to play some music for their Haunted House and it was spooky and scary and fun and awesome...