
Coyote Sighting In My Backyard
Coyote Sighting In My Backyard
Coyote Sighting In My Backyard
This is the time of year when coyotes start to look for places to settle down when their pups that will be born in the spring. There have been sightings downstate and now, they have been seen in my own backyard.
Capital Region Hunters Must Report To DEC
Capital Region Hunters Must Report To DEC
Capital Region Hunters Must Report To DEC
Hunting season is in full swing and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is reminding all hunters they must report their harvest. The state has made it easier than ever to do so.
Adirondack Hiking Advisory
Adirondack Hiking Advisory
Adirondack Hiking Advisory
The weather is finally getting warmer and you may want to hit some of the trails in the Adirondacks. Just be careful, the State Department of Environmental Conservation is sending out a warning to all hikers.
12 Year Old Breaks the New York Freshwater Drum Record
12 Year Old Breaks the New York Freshwater Drum Record
12 Year Old Breaks the New York Freshwater Drum Record
Amerila Whalen, a 12-year-old girl from Essex County has earned the bragging rights to catching a record-breaking fish in Lake Champlain. The DEC says Amelia caught a 29 pound, 14 ounce freshwater drum in June that was big enough to break the previous NY State record for freshwater drums by more than 3 pounds...

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