capital region

Bundle Up & Hunker Down: The Polar Vortex Is Comin’
Bundle Up & Hunker Down: The Polar Vortex Is Comin’
Bundle Up & Hunker Down: The Polar Vortex Is Comin’
It pains me to write this, so please don't curse  the messenger. More brutal winter weather is coming our way in the next few days or so and it's not going to be pretty.  Snow will be falling and so will the temperature.  Insane cold is in our forecast as the vaunted polar vortex makes it way through the Capital Region this week.
Beware: New Phone Scam
Beware: New Phone Scam
Beware: New Phone Scam
It seems every time we turn around there is another scam. There is one that is circulating through the Capital Region claiming they are from a local sheriff's office and you own money in fines.

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