
Little Free Library: Take a Book, Return a Book [PHOTO]
Little Free Library: Take a Book, Return a Book [PHOTO]
Little Free Library: Take a Book, Return a Book [PHOTO]
I love to read. Nothing beats opening a new book, being taken on a new journey that you otherwise wouldn't be able to experience. I love walking through the library, reading a book and then returning it to share with others. While on a run in my neighborhood, I realized I didn't have to actually go to a library to experience one.
NSFW: Reading Rainbow’s Levar Burton Reads ‘Go The (Expletive) To Sleep’ for Charity [VIDEO]
NSFW: Reading Rainbow’s Levar Burton Reads ‘Go The (Expletive) To Sleep’ for Charity [VIDEO]
NSFW: Reading Rainbow’s Levar Burton Reads ‘Go The (Expletive) To Sleep’ for Charity [VIDEO]
Warning: This material contains strong language and is not safe for work, or intended for the easily offended... I have to tell you, I must have been living in a cave because I didn't even know this book was out there! How glad I am to have found it though. I wouldn't have known about the book if I didn't just watch Levar Burton reading the book aloud for charity. The video was posted Saturday as
Albany Area Coffee House Inspires Book
Albany Area Coffee House Inspires Book
Albany Area Coffee House Inspires Book
Running a small business requires hard work and dedication unlike any other job. When the rest of America is off the clock at 5pm, small business owners are still working, worrying and wondering what to do next.  Marc Renson, the owner of Ambition Cafe in Schenectady, New York found a way to share the struggles of owning your own business by writing a book titled 'Is The Coffee Fresh?'
Local Author Antonio Commisso Re-releases New Book, “Silent Partner” [AUDIO]
Local Author Antonio Commisso Re-releases New Book, “Silent Partner” [AUDIO]
Local Author Antonio Commisso Re-releases New Book, “Silent Partner” [AUDIO]
We told you about this gentleman before - former local resident Antonio Commisso.  He's had an interesting struggle getting his book "Silent Partner"  into "wide release", but it looks like he's succeeded.  Very exciting stuff.  I had a chance to talk to him via telephone about the project
15 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Dr. Seuss
15 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Dr. Seuss
15 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Dr. Seuss
Friday, March 2nd is a date that we must celebrate. On March’s second day, we must say “Hooray!” With a “Yip yip yippee yay,” for Dr. Seuss’ own birthday. In celebration of Dr. Seuss Day, on the day of Theodor Seuss Geisel’s birth, (March 2nd, 1904, to be exact), we have dug up 15 facts about the self-proclaimed doctor that you might not know.