Something really amazing and touching happened to me yesterday when I went through my mail at work. I came across a package with a book and letter inside and when I opened the letter I was honored and amazed by what I read.

The letter from Morgan Malone, a local attorney, judge and author was about a new book she had written called "Unanswered Prayers" and explained how I, yes little ole me, was an inspiration for the book. Wow!

Morgan wrote:

"Dear Sean: I've been a fan for years, since 1997 or 1998, when I first discovered Cryin', Lovin' or Leavin' on drives back and forth to Emma Willard to drop-off or pick-up my daughter. Because of your show, I became a fan of Country music. I fell in love with Garth one night when you played That Summer and have been a fan every since.

In truth, the book you find here was inspired by those early experiences listening to your show at night and later, in the mornings, when I listened to you and Richie during that hectic drive from Clifton Park to my office on Wolf Road. I was listening to you both on the morning of 9/11/01 when you gave me my first inkling of the tragedy that had befallen us. It stuck with me for years and when I hit the wall about the ending of this book, that morning came back to me and became an integral part of crafting a believable "happy ever after" for my hero and heroine.

I really loved the excerpt where we are mentioned in regards to that terrifying moment on 9/11. It amazed me how well she remembered how the events transpired and how it gave me a perspective from the other side of the radio and how it felt to be a listener that morning. In the book she wrote,

Book Excerpt, Unanswered Prayers







Other than Richie's name being misspelled, I  thought it captured that moment (and my reputation,) pretty well. I can not thank you enough for being a fan Morgan and for including me in a piece of work that obviously meant a lot to you personally and professionally.

I am truly honored.

If you are interested in getting your own copy of the book it is available at Amazon right now.

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