You try to pay attention to what your kids are looking at on YouTube but a Mom recently found that even being the most careful, there can still be things hidden.

There are some crazy things on YouTube that you don't want your children to see, that makes sense. That's why YouTube Kids sounded like a great idea! You can let your kids watch YouTube knowing that the stuff they're seeing is more for their age group, or so we thought.


CBS 6 is reporting that a Mom in Nashville realized something awful about some of those YouTube Kids videos. Apparently, both of her sons were watching a video when "Right in the middle of the video, a man in sunglasses popped up and showed kids how to slit their wrists."

After about a week, the videos were thankfully taken down. Her search didn't stop there, though. She decided to keep digging. While searching through other YouTube Kids videos she found more videos glorifying suicide, some videos with sexual content, and even one about a school shooting.

YouTube released a statement saying that they plan to be more diligent when it comes to taking down these videos after they've been flagged and are investing in new ways for parents to have more control over what their children watch on the site.

Though YouTube has been getting better and taking down these videos once flagged, this mother just wanted other parents aware of what their kid may be watching and just because it's a kids video and looks innocent enough, keep your eyes on it.

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