Safety Changes to be Made on I-787 in Cohoes – Press Conference Happening NOW
After three deaths over the course of fifteen years, a press conference is being held in which propose changes for safety in Cohoes. Brittany Knight, 16 and a sophomore getting set for summer break was the third to be killed on the Cohoes portion of 787's highway back in June. With her death comes change.
According to Mayor, Shawn Morse a press conference would be held at 3:30pm this afternoon. Morse went on to say that he met with Sam Zhou, who is the director of state Department of Transportation Region One, and from that meeting steps had to be taken to improve safety along the highway.
According to the Times Union:
Cohoes Police Chief William Heslin, Assistant Police Chief Tom Ross, state Assemblyman John T. McDonald III, D-Cohoes, and State Senator Neil Breslin, D-Bethlehem, all will attend.
I'll keep you posted on what is said today.