RPI in Troy, NY Makes The Highest Paid Graduate List
If you want to make the big money, you should go to one of these colleges (RPI is one of them!)
According to findthebest.com the colleges on this list that have a strong slant toward technology seem to pay the most (no brainer these days).
One exception might be the The US Naval Academy. It takes the top spot with an average salary of $77,000 when you get out. Not bad.
In the top 5 however include MIT and Caltech. But I did notice that RPI is #15 on the list out of 20, with an average salary of $61,000.
Wow -when I got out of school, my teaching job paid $11,200 to start, and I was pretty happy to get that! Be that as it may, congrats to RPI.
(PS - here's what you do. You go to Hudson Valley for the first 2 years and then transfer. Your degree will say RPI on it, and you'll save a boat load of dough!