Riley Green Does Week 12 NFL Pigskin Pickins
Riley Green has enjoyed a pretty fast rise to the top of the country charts over the past year or so. With big hits like "There Was This Girl" and his latest "I Wish Grandpas Never Died", he's set-up to be one of country music's next big stars. We had a chance to catch up with Green on Friday morning to get his opinion on some pretty big football games in the NFL week 12. The Jets, Giants, Patriots, Bills and Green's favorite team the Dallas Cowboys (salute) are all in action and Green made the Pigskin Pickins live with Brian and Chrissy in the morning on GNA.
Riley Green's week 12 NFL Pigskin Pickins are:
JETS over the Raiders
BEARS over the Giants
BILLS over the Broncos
PATS over the Cowboys
Tune in next Friday @ 7:05 to hear another country star make Pigskin Pickins with Brian and Chrissy in the morning on GNA.