I love to read. Nothing beats opening a new book, being taken on a new journey that you otherwise wouldn't be able to experience. I love walking through the library, reading a book and then returning it to share with others. While on a run in my neighborhood, I realized I didn't have to actually go to a library to experience one.

While running through my Schenectady/Niskayuna neighborhood, I came across a little box on the side of the road with a chair on either side. It said "Little Free Library: Take a Book, Return a Book" and the box was filled with books, about 12-15. I had to look into what this program was and it's honestly incredible.

You pay for one of these boxes and then fill it with books. The hope is that people use that box to exchange books. If you see a book in there that you think you'd like, you take it, no monetary cost, but in exchange you either return the book back to the box or replace it with something new. The coolest part is that these boxes are all registered so you can go on their website and see where you can find a box like this in your neighborhood. I found there were 4 right near me that I had no idea about! Do you know of any of these boxes in your neighborhood? Where are they?

Jessica Sims, Townsquare Media
Jessica Sims, Townsquare Media


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