Nisky Mom Angry That Kids Couldn’t Use Bathroom During Lockdown
While Niskayuna High School was on lockdown Monday, students weren't allowed to use the bathrooms. Once the threat ended, local residents spoke to the media. That's when students - and parents - expressed outrage over the way the high schoolers were treated.
A mom of a Niskayuna 10th grader told CBS 6 News that she's thinking of taking her child out of the school district after she learned that 'students were peeing in the trashcans' during the lockdown on Monday that lasted 6 hours.
Nancy Freenan also went on the tell the news station that she may file a lawsuit against the school adding that it's 'false imprisonment! It's a violation of their civil rights. They're holding him hostage at gunpoint."
Niskayuna Police, according to the report, have not identified the suspect responsible for the written threat of violence that forced the school to go on lock.
While I will refrain from judgement regarding he angry parent, I will say this:
6 hours on lockdown - over what was obviously deemed a credible threat - would be pretty harrowing I would imagine for all parties involved, including parents. With that being said, to all the first responders, teachers, students and staff who acted swiftly and appropriately facing the uncertainty of a high stress situation, we say 'thank you'.
Glad no one was hurt.
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