Albany Landlord Allegedly Kidnaps Tenants
Late on rent? Do the neighbors bang on the ceiling trying to get you and your unruly kids to pipe down? Well, let's hope you have an understanding landlord!
This has to be the most bizarre story to come out of the Capital Region in some time. I literally thought this was something that you would see on 48 Hours or a Netflix documentary. An Albany landlord allegedly didn't just try to evict his tenants, he attempted to eviscerate them, ultimately dumping them in a snowbank in the middle of nowhere. Here's the bizarre story of what this Albany man allegedly did according to a nightmarish story reported on by the Times Union.
According to the Times Union, the man responsible for the alleged heinous crime is 48-year-old Shawn Douglas. Douglas according to the TU, kidnapped two of his Grandview Terrace in Albany tenants in the middle of the night on Sunday. According to the source, he used zip-ties and pillowcases and then drove 35 miles to a Ghent cemetery where, at gunpoint, he dumped their bodies in a snowbank.
The tenants, a 21-year-old female, and a 32-year-old male, have yet to be identified. According to the story, after Douglas dumped their bodies in a snowbank he took off. Once he left, the woman was able to untie herself and make her way to a neighbors house where she alerted police.
According to the Times Union, Douglas may not have acted alone. Two other accomplices were believed to be involved, but at this time no other arrests have been made.
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