Look For This To Ensure Safety Before Going On Fair Rides
Labor Day weekend is fast approaching, and state fairs in and around the Capital Region will sure to packed with people looking to squeeze as much fun out of these last few weeks of summer. The midway rides are always a popular attraction at New York State fairs, and while they may appear to be structurally sound, there's no fool-proof way to ensure you or your child's safety. There is, however, something in particular to look for to at least make sure the ride is as safe as it can be.
Look for a 'tag' that will look similar to this one.
It has the name of the inspector and the date. It should be posted on the fence for each ride in operation. If a ride hasn't passed, it shouldn't be running.
If you don't see a tag, ask a manager.
"Get it right or go home. That's the motto," said Al Schuler, program manager for the New York State Department of Labor's Division of Safety and Health.
The New York State Department of Labor (DOL) inspects rides at every amusement park and traveling show located outside of New York City. All amusement rides are inspected on or before the scheduled start date of an event. Only those devices deemed safe are allowed to operate. Inspections are ongoing, and there can be a lag between the date of the inspection and the date the inspection results are posted online. Detailed inspection results for each individual device will be posted within one week of the event start date. If an event does not appear on the DOL list, please report it immediately.
All amusement rides that pass inspection and are safe to ride will have a DOL inspection tag that is visible at the ride’s point of entry. If you do not see the tag, please ask the operator to show it to you. You can view a video to see how DOL inspects amusement devices.
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