Local School Says No Clown Costumes
A local middle school sent out a letter to parents stating that clown costumes are not allowed on school property this Halloween.
The Gowana Middle School at Shenendehowa Central School district has decided that they won't allow their kids to dress up in clown costumes this Halloween. There are three middles schools at Shen and according to the Daily Gazette, the district spokeswoman said that each school building sets it's own policy when it comes to Halloween dress code. There is, however, a ban on fake weapons and revealing undergarments when it comes to costumes along with makeup, face paint, and silly string.
Most schools have moved away from costumes for Halloween at school all together. There are a select few schools that even have Halloween festivities in school. Many schools hold a separate dance or parade outside of school hours.
Do you think that schools should ban any kind of Halloween celebrations or costumes during school time?