Lake George Cancels July 4th Fireworks; How Will You Celebrate?
The 4th of July will feel a little bit different in Lake George this summer.
Another annual summer event so many look forward to has been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. According to a Post Star story, the Lake George Village Board has cancelled this years 4th of July fireworks display. The board told the Post Star "...the event would have likely drawn a larger crowd this year because municipalities farther south have already canceled similar events and expressed concerns about maintaining adequate social distancing."
So as far as fireworks, most of the big displays have either been postponed or cancelled at this point in the Capital Region. While we will certainly miss "the rockets red glare" and "bombs bursting in air" portion of our Independence Day celebrations, maybe you can find inspiration elsewhere to celebrate the holiday.
Maybe this year take inspiration from "America the Beautiful" for a fireworks free 4th of July. You can easily take in our "spacious skies" here in beautiful Upstate New York. Or better yet, we can always "crown thy good with brotherhood" and mark the holiday by simply thanking one of our great servicemen or women or a veteran for serving their country. Maybe show some appreciation to our first-responders and essential front-line workers for keeping us safe during the pandemic. Or maybe that celebration of brotherhood is as simple as a backyard barbecue with your neighbors.
The 4th will look and sound a little different this year, but you can still make the best of it.

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