Besides root canal, am I wrong when I say putting particle board furniture is the most painful experience EVER?  Here are my top 5 pet peeves, and maybe you can chime in with yours

So I tried to lend a hand recently in assembling a 51/2 foot bookshelf  at my father-in-law's apartment. This is a valiant attempt to try to appear handy for once.  Everyone close to me knows that this is not a character trait that I possess.  I guess I proved it hands down this time.  I went to pick up the frame of it after carefully following directions to flip this behemoth over to put the cardboard backing on , and in the process - I ripped one side totally off of it -yanking the screws right out of the wood.  I can't even attempt to print the words that came out of my mouth in front of my wife's FATHER, for god sakes.

particle board
photo by Richie Phillips


So as we speak I am off to the Home Depot to see if I can cob together a "fix".  If you stand this thing up the way it is, it will crumble to the floor.  I will then be completely disowned by the Reiter family.  What do you suggest?  Crazy Glue? Prayer? I'm taking suggestions at


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