Every year a study comes out that shows how much it would cost you to buy all the stuff from "The 12 Days of Christmas".  It takes into consideration inflation and cost of living increases.  Soooooo, naturally, it did go up this year.  But, not by much.

If you wanted to buy everything from the song this year, it would run you $27,673.  Last year, it would've cost $27,393.  That's only a $280 bump, or about a 1% increase.  The jump from 2012 to 2013 was 7.7%, which is clearly MUCH bigger.

If you sang through the song once, it would cost you about $27,673 to buy everything.

Technically, the song says you'll have to buy everything every day - like, on day three, you'd give three French hens . . . but also two more turtle doves and another partridge in a pear tree.  If you do it that way, it'll cost you $116,273!  That's up 1.4% from last year!

The biggest cost increase this year is the six geese-a-laying.

Last year, the geese cost $35 each.  But for whatever reason they jumped up 71.4% this year to $60 each.

The three French hens had the next biggest jump . . . they went up 10% from $55 each to $60.50 each.

Poultry is pricey this year.

Here's the breakdown for 2014-

A partridge in a pear tree, $207.68 . . . up 3.8% from last year.


Two turtle doves, $125 . . . same price.


Three French hens, $181.50 . . . up 10%.


Four calling birds, $599.96 . . . same price.


Five golden rings, $750 . . . same price.


Six geese-a-laying, $360 . . . up 71.4%.


Seven swans-a-swimming, $7,000 . . . same price.


Eight maids-a-milking, $58 . . . same price.


Nine ladies dancing, $7,552.84 . . . same price.


Ten lords-a-leaping, $5,348.24 . . . up 2%.


Eleven pipers piping, $2,635.20 . . . same price.


Twelve drummers drumming, $2,854.80 . . . same price.

Sooooo, if you even want any of those things, that's how much it'll cost ya!  Good luck!

Merry Christmas (Getty)
Merry Christmas (Getty)


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