Have You Seen “John Carter”? I Want Your Opinions! [VIDEO]
It seems like it was months ago I started seeing trailers for this new Disney movie "John Carter". I have to admit I thought, man that looks dumb, but it's Disney, so in the back of my mind I thought there has to be something to it. Now I'm beginning to think I was right.
Most people know I'm a pretty big fan of science fiction, I love all the "Star Wars" movies, Star Trek, Avatar, the whole lot. That is why I am surprised I had never heard of "John Carter". When I had first seen the trailers I thought "Oh here we go again just another copy of Star Wars and Avatar." I was very wrong. Apparently this story was written way back in the early 1900's by a writer named, Edgar Rice Burroughs. And experts will tell you that all the Sci-Fi we have enjoyed through the years, especially the movies very much stole from this book series.
That in itself has interested me enough to want to give this movie a try. I have also seen some reviews from people and most have had a lot of really good things to say. I don't know those people though, so I'd like to hear from you , if you have seen the movie, PLEASE tell me if I should. Don't give away plot or be a spoiler but let me know what you went in expecting, and what you left with. Just leave your comments at the bottom of this page. Thanks!
And for those of you who have not heard much about the movie, I found a ten minute teaser that you may enjoy. Check this out.