Ginormous 200,000 LB ‘Mega Load’ is Headed to Albany! What is It?
A Ginormous 200,000 LB 'Mega Load' is Headed to Albany! What Is It?
I'm not sure exactly when this massive 200,000 lb wide load will be touching down in Albany, but slowly and steadily, that's where she's headed and if you think Capital Region traffic can be a grind now, wait till this bad boy makes its way through town.
At last check, this ginormous mega load was making its way from a town in Central New York and headed toward Albany - from there it will cruise down the Hudson River, into New York City, and ultimately to the Naval Submarine Base in Connecticut.
What is it, and how big is this thing?
On Facebook Thursday afternoon, the Town of Phelps, NY posted a video of this enormous apparatus as it makes its way through Upstate, New York.
The structure, according to the post, is a 200,000-pound condenser for a nuclear submarine - how bad a** is that?
At last check, it was parked in the Town of Phelps, located about 3 hours west of Albany and 45 mins west of Syracuse.
This gargantuan gadget is a game-changer when it enters your region.
Most wide-loads weigh up to around 80,000 pounds, this is 2.5x the size of that, and as you can imagine, when it slowly rolls through town, it causes a bit of a stir.
On their Facebook, officials in the Town of Phelps wrote, "Traffic lights were raised and there was a brief delay for motorists on Main Street Phelps today as a 200,000-pound condenser for a nuclear submarine traveled through the village."
Naval reactors are used by the United States Navy aboard certain ships to generate the steam used to produce power for propulsion, electric power, catapulting airplanes in aircraft carriers, and a few more minor uses.
According to the post, this condenser was manufactured in Batavia, NY "and is on its way to Albany and then down the Hudson River to New York Harbor in New York City. From there it will be moved by an ocean-going barge to its final destination: the Naval Submarine Base in Connecticut."
According to the post, it had gone only a total of 9 miles yesterday and will stay in the area overnight, and back on the road today. But when will it get here?
No word on when this mega load will be in the Albany area, but it's something you won't have to look too hard to find.