Do You Wonder What the Biggest Pop Songs of 2015 Sound Like When They’re Smashed Together? This… [Listen]
DJ EARWORM has become a bit of an internet legend because he's super talented at mashing up music. He's been mixing the top 25 pop songs from Billboard since 2006, and I know I'm always really excited when he releases a new one.
Well, he has officially posted his annual "United State of Pop" video for 2015.
It's got 50 songs in it this year!
"Can't Feel My Face" by The Weeknd is featured in a lot of it. So are "Sugar" by Maroon 5 . . . "Want to Want Me" by Jason Derulo, "Love Me Like You Do" by Ellie Goulding and of course, Adele makes an appearance!
Just for your info... DJ Earworm is originally from Illinois. He grew up around music his whole life. He was originally a physics major at college before he switched to music theory and computer science. Now he lives in San Fransisco, and his real name is Jordan Roseman.