Chrissy’s Kid Graciously Congratulates Pats Fan [VIDEO]
Ryan, my seven-year-old, was pretty harsh on a five-year-old Patriots fan so after the Super Bowl win, he was the bigger man and congratulated her. Check out their encounter and the way he made amends. Like most people, including Patriots' fans, we thought the Super Bowl wasn't very exciting. In our household we were rooting against the Patriots. Leading up to the game my guy, Ryan, had a verbal exchange with another kid who's a Patriots fan.
We always teach Ryan good sportsmanship so the right thing to do was to meet up with that Patriots' fan and congratulate her on her team's Super Bowl win.
What better place to meet up than Friendly's? Ryan and Scarlett met up so that Ryan could say, "good game" and gave Scarlett a stuffed animal as a peace offering. Then we went inside and had dinner together.
Congrats to all the Patriots' fans and Ryan is still hoping that the Bills have a better season next year.