Big Thaw: First Signs of Spring In Albany This Weekend
A snowy February will wrap up this weekend with some signs of things to come.
Snowy may be an understatement for this month. It has pretty much snowed every few days the last few weeks, and while the storms individually have not been staggering, the number of little storms we have gotten just makes it seems like alot. If you are snow weary, relief is in sight this weekend as we turn the corner to March.
The Weather Channel is calling for some mild temperatures all weekend long, with highs of 46 on Saturday and 47 on Sunday. Saturday could include some rain and snow showers and different points of the day, but Sunday is looking like a decent day to get outside with partly cloudy skies. If like me after last week's ice storm you have been waiting for a burst of mild weather to finally melt all the lingering caked-up snow and ice at the end of your driveway, it looks like this weekend you can clear it out.
As far as total snowfall this month, the National Weather Service says Albany has gotten 13.4 inches of snow so far which is just above the monthly average of 12.2 inches. On its own this seems like a manageable number, it has just been the number of tiny snowfalls this month that has been a little annoying. I will take dealing with clearing and driving in one or two big storms over the almost daily shovel and slip and slide any day of the week!
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