It's that time of year again. Back to school. Now the challenge begins as to when to get the kids to bed so they can get enough rest for the back to school routine. Here's a chart that may help you determine what's the best time to put your kids to bed. We have a seven year old and he has been living the life this whole summer. Now that it's back to school time, we have to make sure that he's getting enough rest.

Let me start by saying that we all know the quirks of our own children, but this chart is very helpful as a guide. I also want to say, like most parents, we have been extremely lax as to when Ryan goes to bed during the summer. One trip out to Buffalo he was up until three o'clock in the morning with his Uncle Joey. According to, the chart comes in very handy.

Now the challenge is to get him to bed by, according to the chart, 8:00pm. Here's wishing all of us luck no matter what your child's age is. Our house hopes to achieve the 8pm bedtime by February or March.

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