What Do Women Expect On Valentines Day (Poll)
Once every 3-4 years Valentines Day falls on a Friday or Saturday and men all over the Capital Region are basically screwed. And this would be of those years. By now you probably know that Valentines is on a Friday, so the let the sweats begin. Ladies, be honest, what do you really want (or expect) on Valentines Day. Answer this super quick poll and provide us with some interesting fodder next week on the show.
When Valentines Day falls on a Tuesday or Wednesday, it's a little easier pill for her to swallow when you request to stay home and snuggle, versus a weekend when couples are simply more inclined to go out. I don't want to single out men as being the only one in the relationship who freaks out over the pressure of VD, because many woman I feel don't care for it at all.
My girlfriend Samantha will actually be out of town on Valentines Day but I posed the hypothetical anyway. I asked her what she would you want to do if she were in town on Valentines Day. Without hesitation, she told me that she'd want to stay home...zero interest in amateur night for those suckers in love.
Ladies, be honest, what do you really want (or expect) on Valentines Day. Take this super quick survey and provide us with some interesting fodder next week on the show!