What Do New York Sports Teams Have on Their Holiday Wish List?
You wake up on Christmas (or insert your holiday here) morning, you run downstairs to look under the tree, and you begin to rip apart the wrapping paper to see what gifts have been bestowed upon you this year.
To get to this point, however, you have to write a list. Or, at least, it's more fun if you do.
We've received confidential reports from the best sources out there, that New York sports executives like Brian Cashman, Chris Drury, Leon Rose and Dave Gettleman (while he still is able to) have filled out holiday wish lists of their own. And of course, these reports are 100% factual and have nothing made up about them, at all.
Now, these gifts can be more than just one player. Yes, every NBA team wants Steph Curry. That's a given. That said, teams can also ask for a thing, or an idea, in order to help their franchise in the New Year. And, of course, some teams' wish lists are a bit longer than others.
With that being said, here is what every New York major pro sports team is hoping to see in their stocking this coming weekend.