Those Online “Secret” Gift Exchanges Are Scams
Here is your friendly holiday reminder that if it seems too good to be true it probably is. Those gift exchanges online whether it be wine, money, or gifts, are all pyramid schemes and everyone should be on guard. According to CBS 6 News, those "Secret Sister" gift exchanges are resurfacing just in time for the holidays and you are being warned not to join. I actually just got invited to one today. I told my friend it was a scam and she took it down. It's a simple premise that is usually posted on Facebook where people are tagged. Then you are promised up to thirty-six gifts for one gift valued at ten dollars.
This is actually illegal because it is considered a pyramid scheme. The problem is if you ship the gifts, not everyone participates and ultimately the one who set it up is the only one being paid off. It is also, according to the Better Business Bureau, a form of illegal gambling. If you participate you could be fined or even do jail time.

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