They Celebrate The Same Birthday
Today is a special day in our house. We celebrate two birthdays on the same day, but we don't have twins.
Ryan turns six years old today. He is a lucky boy for many reasons. But he is also lucky because he shares his birthday with our dog Freddie.
When I found out that a family needed to give up Freddie to a good home, I met with them at a local park. I have always had big dogs, so when I saw Freddie, who is a peekapoo, I thought that he was a bit small for my liking. He was friendly and really cute but he didn't really take to me. My mom had come with me and he took to her right away. While I was deciding on whether I would bring Freddie home, the family asked if it would be okay to send Freddie a birthday card. I asked when his birthday was and when she said April 13th, I knew it was a sign. I immediately said I would take him.
So now we celebrate two birthdays on April 13th for a special little 6 year old and a cute little furry 4 year old.
Who do you share your birthday with?