Tell Us What Songs You Love, Win Secret Star Tickets!
What you think about the songs we are playing on 107.7 GNA can help you score your tickets to the biggest Country show this Spring!
You are pretty much a Country music expert, right? The songs we play and the stories they tell are part of the fabric of your life. So who would be more qualified than you to help us choose the songs we play?
And by helping us tweak our playlist, you can win your tickets to our next Secret Star Acoustic Jam at Proctor's in Schenectady Wednesday, April 20th, 2022
To enter to win, all it takes is a few minutes to complete our music survey. Just answer a few questions and rate the songs we are playing to help us tweak our playlist to make it more enjoyable for you! Once you complete the survey, you will be entered to win!
You must complete the survey by 9 am Wednesday, April 13th to enter. One random winner will be contacted by phone.