
Beware of Amazon Email Scam
Beware of Amazon Email Scam
Beware of Amazon Email Scam
Another scam is circulating around the internet and to your email. An elaborate authentic-looking Amazon email may be in your inbox. Here's what to look for so you don't fall for this scam.
Those Online "Secret" Gift Exchanges Are Scams
Those Online "Secret" Gift Exchanges Are Scams
Those Online "Secret" Gift Exchanges Are Scams
Here is your friendly holiday reminder that if it seems too good to be true it probably is. Those gift exchanges online whether it be wine, money, or gifts, are all pyramid schemes and everyone should be on guard.
Personalized Gift Cards Latest Scam
Personalized Gift Cards Latest Scam
Personalized Gift Cards Latest Scam
There is another creative way that someone is trying to scam you out of money. This latest scam comes in the form of a personalized card. Here's what to look out for.
New "Unclaimed Rewards" Scam
New "Unclaimed Rewards" Scam
New "Unclaimed Rewards" Scam
There are scams popping up each and every day. Now there is one that targets you to claim a reward to get your credit card information and it looks legit.
Beware of Venmo Scam
Beware of Venmo Scam
Beware of Venmo Scam
If you use Venmo to send payment to vendors, friends, and family, you need to be aware of a scam that is going around.
Jess' Boyfriend Gets New Explicit Text Spam on His Phone
Jess' Boyfriend Gets New Explicit Text Spam on His Phone
Jess' Boyfriend Gets New Explicit Text Spam on His Phone
Has your boyfriend/girlfriend ever gotten an explicit text from someone that's not you? Your first reaction would be to freak out at them, right? Mine too, until I saw what was on my boyfriend's phone.
Phone Scam Targets Grandparents
Phone Scam Targets Grandparents
Phone Scam Targets Grandparents
Beware of a new phone scam that is circulating and targeting grandparents saying that their grandchild is in trouble. This scam is pretty elaborate too, stay alert.
BEWARE: PayPal Scam
BEWARE: PayPal Scam
BEWARE: PayPal Scam
There is another scam out there and this time it is actually working. Hackers are using Pay Pal to scam online users.
Warning! Streaming Service Scam
Warning! Streaming Service Scam
Warning! Streaming Service Scam
It seems as if we are being bombarded by many different scams. This one involves a popular streaming service that is trying to steal your personal information.

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