
New Yorkers Beware of the 'Brushing' Scam!
New Yorkers Beware of the 'Brushing' Scam!
New Yorkers Beware of the 'Brushing' Scam!
You get a suprise gift in the mail but there's no note to say who it's from. You call everyone you can think of and no one has sent it to you. Beware! A new scam is making its way across New York State. It's the "brushing" scam. Here's how it works.
Beware! These 3 Phone Scams Now Circulating Thru Capital Region
Beware! These 3 Phone Scams Now Circulating Thru Capital Region
Beware! These 3 Phone Scams Now Circulating Thru Capital Region
We are always being bombarded by all different kinds of scams. Whether it's a call on our phone about a car warranty or someone who is trying to tell you that your grandchild needs to be bailed out, they are getting more clever. Here are three of the latest text scams that are currently circulating through the Capital Region.
Help! Work at UPS So My Fiancee Gets All Her Amazon Orders
Help! Work at UPS So My Fiancee Gets All Her Amazon Orders
Help! Work at UPS So My Fiancee Gets All Her Amazon Orders
The holidays are right around the corner and our household doesn't need an excuse to have packages delivered to our house. But package delivery gets very busy during the holiday season and UPS is looking to fill hundreds of positions. My hope is that there are enough workers just so my fiancee's orders continue to be filled because she orders a lot.
First Suspicious Seeds-Now Mysterious Masks
First Suspicious Seeds-Now Mysterious Masks
First Suspicious Seeds-Now Mysterious Masks
A couple of weeks ago, random people throughout the United States were getting suspicious seeds in the mail. The latest is an unsolicited package containing a face mask. Here's what to do if you receive one.
Deadline Dates For Shipping And Mailing This Holiday
Deadline Dates For Shipping And Mailing This Holiday
Deadline Dates For Shipping And Mailing This Holiday
The holidays are fast approaching and it's good to get a jump on Christmas cards and packages. However, most of us need some deadlines so we know that we can get them there on time. Here are some important dates so your holiday goodies get there on time.
Protect Your Packages From Porch Bandits
Protect Your Packages From Porch Bandits
Protect Your Packages From Porch Bandits
We are planning to be away for about a week during the holiday package rush. We will heed the warnings so the porch bandits don't steal our gifts. Officials are urging you to do the same.

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