I've been hearing the word "Glamping" a lot this summer. If you don't know what that is, think of regular camping but with style and apparently there's more than one place that offers this.
Think back to when you were in middle school.
What were you doing? Anything important?
If you were like me, you probably forgot to do your homework a lot and had a tendency to fall asleep in your Science class.
Before i became a mom, I was always really worried about my son or daughter asking me questions that I didn't know the answer to. Like, "Mommy, why is the sky blue?" Or, "Mommy, where do babies come from?" (Okay, so I do know the answer to that one, but I don't wanna talk about it...
I know many of you tune in to our program each day to maybe, just POSSIBLY find out about something that you weren't sure of. Well, I would like to use YOU as a resource once in awhile! My first gnawing question is about trees in the Capital Region.
We have all heard the expression, "Stop and smell the roses." A simple reminder to take a few moments once in a while to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us in life everyday. While I, like most, do not stop and notice all the things I should, once in a while something just catches me and I thought I'd share it with you.
Our Energy Independence Community is an exhibitor at the Natural Living Show and will be on hand educating people on energy independence. We want to help you become less energy dependent. Energy independence doesn't mean you must live off the grid, heat your home with wood, and ride your bike to work. But we can learn from those who do.