
Did You Know This Was Illegal?
Did You Know This Was Illegal?
Did You Know This Was Illegal?
I've gotten one ticket in my entire life and it's for something that I didn't even know was illegal and I'm sure you didn't either. You may be breaking the law right now!
Saratoga County Looking to Change Cigarette Laws
Saratoga County Looking to Change Cigarette Laws
Saratoga County Looking to Change Cigarette Laws
According to research, most adult smokers started when they were teens so Saratoga County is the next in a line of others in the area who have decided to change the laws on cigarettes.
Schenectady County First to Change Firework Rules
Schenectady County First to Change Firework Rules
Schenectady County First to Change Firework Rules
I'm not a huge fan of buying fireworks. I don't have anything against them and I've been to parties where friends of mine have gotten them but I've personally never gotten them myself. As a Schenectady resident, guess I'm now really not going to be able to buy them.
10 of the Strangest New York Laws (Yes, They’re Real!)
10 of the Strangest New York Laws (Yes, They’re Real!)
10 of the Strangest New York Laws (Yes, They’re Real!)
It seems ridiculous to think it's illegal in New York state to do something like warming up your car in your own drive way on a cold day, but it is. After we posted about that a couple of weeks ago, it got me thinking, "hmmm, what other dumb laws do we have in New York?" Turns out, there are a bunch!
Here Are the Most Commonly Broken Laws
Here Are the Most Commonly Broken Laws
Here Are the Most Commonly Broken Laws
Are you guilty of any of these?  Chances are, you totally break most of these commonly broken laws. A new survey asked people who AREN'T in jail what laws they break most often.  Here are the top eight - 1.  Speeding.   2.  H...
No Driver’s Licenses Needed In Georgia
No Driver’s Licenses Needed In Georgia
No Driver’s Licenses Needed In Georgia
Say Whaaatt?   There are many folks out there with an “ax to grind”. Many many people these days seem to take their political views to the next level.  Honestly, I give most people credit.  It’s good to see people with a fire in their belly for some cause that they believe in.  Here’s a good example