
Is The Greatest Candy On Earth Fat Shaming Me?
Is The Greatest Candy On Earth Fat Shaming Me?
Is The Greatest Candy On Earth Fat Shaming Me?
I read that Hershey's is going to start selling a new version of their Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in March that will be 40 percent thinner than the current ones.  Less chocolate, less peanut butter and 40 percent few calories.  No thank you!  Why does Hershey's hate me so much?
Where Can I Find All the Gluten Free Eats?
Where Can I Find All the Gluten Free Eats?
Where Can I Find All the Gluten Free Eats?
When you're sick, you obviously want to get better. You do what you think you need to and wait for whatever to pass. When it doesn't pass, the next step is pretty obvious and was the first step I took once my health insurance kicked in.
Reasons Why Your Pre-Vacation Diet Is Failing
Reasons Why Your Pre-Vacation Diet Is Failing
Reasons Why Your Pre-Vacation Diet Is Failing
My vacation is less than 2 weeks away and I'm so excited!  But, like a lot of people, I do want to trim down just a tad before we go, cause, you know, bathing suits and stuff. Of all the people who go on a pre-vacay slim-down plan, only 23% say they actually succeeded...
How Do Movie Stars Lose All That Weight For Roles? [Watch]
How Do Movie Stars Lose All That Weight For Roles? [Watch]
How Do Movie Stars Lose All That Weight For Roles? [Watch]
Sometimes I watch TV or a movie and I think (as I pound my Ben & Jerry's) "Damn, I wish I was just hot like Beyonce... she doesn't even need to try. She's just perfect." Well, apparently it's not as easy as I thought. They're all pretty hungry all the time... ...
An Apple A Day Makes Your Girl Want To Play –  Are Apples An Aphrodisiac For Women?
An Apple A Day Makes Your Girl Want To Play – Are Apples An Aphrodisiac For Women?
An Apple A Day Makes Your Girl Want To Play – Are Apples An Aphrodisiac For Women?
Imagine if something as simple as eating an apple could improve your sex life?  Well, according to one study, it can.  According to an article in the Huffington Post, a study out of Italy claims that women who eat an apple or two a day enjoy a better sex life and have more of a sexual appetite than women who do not eat them at all.
Pumpkin Diet
Pumpkin Diet
Pumpkin Diet
I know that you've noticed, fall comes around, and suddenly everything is pumpkin! Pumpkin latte, pumpkin beer, pumpkin hand soap, pumpkin bath salts, pumpkin gatorade!  Okay, I made that one up... but you get my point! Well, now there's a woman who claims she lost around 300 lbs...
Superbowl Calories
Superbowl Calories
Superbowl Calories
I'm a very, very bloated individual at the time of this writing.  Everything from chicken wings to pizza to beer to cheesecake was consumed at the two Superbowl get togethers that we attended.  I was wondering just how much exercise it would take to burn it off?  Are you ready for this?

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