crossgates mall

Beef at Crossgates Mall Leads To Massive Brawl (Video)
Beef at Crossgates Mall Leads To Massive Brawl (Video)
Beef at Crossgates Mall Leads To Massive Brawl (Video)
A Christmas Eve video posted to twitter on Tuesday afternoon shows nearly a dozen individuals (appearing to be male and in their teens) involved in a massive brawl at Crossgates Mall. The :24 second clip appears to be of at least two separate fights breaking out and may have started in a hallway portion of the mall but quickly escalated and spilled into the Beef Jerky Outlet. Fists are seen flying
Crossgates/Aviation Mall Pet Store Lawsuit Explanation
Crossgates/Aviation Mall Pet Store Lawsuit Explanation
Crossgates/Aviation Mall Pet Store Lawsuit Explanation
You walk passed the business, you smile at the animals inside, you may even walk in and wave at their adorable faces as they wag their tails back. According to the attorney general's office, those animals aren't as happy as they seem.
Fight At Crossgates Mall Turns Violent Against Cops
Fight At Crossgates Mall Turns Violent Against Cops
Fight At Crossgates Mall Turns Violent Against Cops
A large fight that happened last night at Crossgates  Mall has led to multiple arrests and injuries.  Two local police officers were injured in the scuffle and officials today are sorting through the melee to see exactly who and what led to the outburst.
WizardFest Coming to Skyloft, Crossgates Mall
WizardFest Coming to Skyloft, Crossgates Mall
WizardFest Coming to Skyloft, Crossgates Mall
Two bits of Harry Potter news in one week? What did we do to be so lucky? An event was just announced at Crossgates Mall for all local Potterheads to get together and celebrate our favorite boy wizard.

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