You are going to see an increase in your bills at various retail locations in New York State for using a credit card. That means we will all be paying a little more if you take out your plastic.
Many are using digital wallets like Venmo, PayPal, and Apple Pay. There are scammers that are sending you money by accident to these accounts. Here's what to be aware of.
A man accused of using cloned credit cards to make purchases at a couple of Brunswick businesses is being sought by New York State Police in Brunswick.
If you went to the Altamont Avenue, Rotterdam location of Colonial Car Wash and used your credit or debit card in March, you may want to check with your financial institution and check your statement.
A 21-year-old man from The Bronx was recently arrested because he allegedly used counterfeit credit cards to acquire cash and property.
Authorities believe Abdulnasir J. Usman has a connection with an identity theft ring in the Albany area...