Get Ready To Fork Over More For Using Credit Cards in NY
You are going to see an increase in your bills at various retail locations in New York State for using a credit card. That means we will all be paying a little more if you take out your plastic.
New York State businesses will have to charge an additional fee if you pay with a credit card. This is a new bill that was signed into law this year. Starting February 11th, businesses will start charging you more.
Retailers and businesses will have to post the highest charge that customers may have to pay when using a credit card. They will also list the price of the item if the customer is paying with cash, check, or debit card. This will be lower.
Because many customers pay with credit cards, retailers get charged extra fees by those companies. But there are guidelines and any surcharge must be less or equal to the amount the business is required to pay the credit card provider. Retailers could face a five hundred dollar penalty with each violation.
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