Disclaimer: I'm sure you could find skeevy germs on just about anything if you look hard enough. That being said, take a gander at THIS little piece of health news.
I'm on the fence on this one. I like the idea, but it kind of creeps me out. How would you feel about leaving your wallet or purse at home and just using your phone to pay for everything? Well, get ready because it's coming whether you like it or not.
You can ask anyone, I never carry cash anymore. I use my debit card or credit card where ever I go. In fact, I bet if I asked most people, they would say they don’t carry cash anymore either! But what if you were offered a discount at restaurants or stores to use cash, would you do it?
Guys, isn't it time for the demise of the wallet? Good riddance, right? Who can stand the thing" It's never thin enough to fit in any pocket you have, and never has enough places for anything in it, no matter how many slits, slots and picture holders it has. Take a look at mine, for example.
There are certain banks and credit unions that allow you to put a photo of your choice on your credit card, right? You 've seen them. Mine has a picture of a lake on it. Maybe it's trying to tell me that I'm financially under water, but at least it's something "perty" to look at. Now on the flipside of that, check this out.
Scouting was a part of my growing up, and, although I'm sure I resisted going to all of the meetings, I ended up enjoying learning how to do important things like CPR and tying knots (I still remember how to make a sheepshank---anybody?).