
Weekly MLB Report: Los Angeles Angels Lose Third Straight Series
Weekly MLB Report: Los Angeles Angels Lose Third Straight Series
Weekly MLB Report: Los Angeles Angels Lose Third Straight Series
While most of baseball’s division leaders are comfortably ahead of the pack, the margin separating teams vying for the Wild Card spots is very tight. Here’s what’s happening in Major League Baseball:   Angels Lose Series to Mariners, Fall 8 Back of Rangers in AL West After bolstering their rotation by acquiring pitcher Zack Greinke at the trade deadline, the Los Angeles Angels (60-55) expected to
Roger Clemens Verdict: Not Guilty
Roger Clemens Verdict: Not Guilty
Roger Clemens Verdict: Not Guilty
A jury acquitted Roger Clemens on all charges Monday in his federal perjury trial, deciding the seven-time Cy Young Award winner did not lie when he denied ever using performance-enhancing drugs in front of a Congressional committee in February of 2008.
Fan Who Celebrated Mets’ First No-Hitter With Team Spent Two Days in Jail
Fan Who Celebrated Mets’ First No-Hitter With Team Spent Two Days in Jail
Fan Who Celebrated Mets’ First No-Hitter With Team Spent Two Days in Jail
Mets’ fan Rafael Diaz just couldn’t help himself on Saturday night as he watched his beloved Nw York Mets celebrate their first-ever no-hitter on the field. Diaz leaped from the stands and joined the frenzy between the mound and home plate, and promptly got tackled and tased by team security. “I was overcome with emotion, just being a die-hard Mets fan,” the 32-year-old Diaz explained after speni
It’s Opening Day In Baseball, Sort Of [RANT]
It’s Opening Day In Baseball, Sort Of [RANT]
It’s Opening Day In Baseball, Sort Of [RANT]
It's that time of the year that many of us here at GNA are excited about, Baseball season! I know that Jeff Levack and I are pumped to start trash talk all the Red Sox fans out there because as Yankee fans, that's what we do, it's in our blood.
A Classic Weekend at The Baseball Hall of Fame
A Classic Weekend at The Baseball Hall of Fame
A Classic Weekend at The Baseball Hall of Fame
One thing I love for sure is taking the show on the road. This weekend we get to do something really cool and you can be a part of it. On Friday morning, then again Saturday morning ( a special broadcast) we will be live from the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown...
A Pitching Robot [Video]
A Pitching Robot [Video]
A Pitching Robot [Video]
Seeing this story really makes me wonder if we're moving closer to automating almost everything. Earlier this week, I did a blog about a robot to workout with, and now a robot will throw out the ceremonial first pitch before this afternoon's game between the Philadelphia Phillies and the Milwaukee Brewers. The robot, appropriately named Philliebot, was created by University of Pennsylvania student

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